Day 4 "Head of Your Life"

Order "The Covenant Letters" by T.C. Spellen here today!
But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God.
1 Corinthians 11:3

Do you seek God before making all plans: or do you only seek Him for the major things in your life and handle minor things on your own?
How has that worked for you?


  1. I am guilty of making decision in many areas of my life without​ seeking​ God first because I want what I want when I want it especially when I'm in my feelings I also do know that when I do seek God and allow him to make a decision for me it just a wonderful blessing knowing that what he seeks for my life is more greater than what I seek for myself so with that said I must be patient and allow him to do his well over my life

  2. I'm guilty of "handling" the small things on my own. It obviously has not worked out well. However I know God will use all things for my good. I am learning to consult him more everyday.

    1. Deana I understand where you coming from and it is so true how when I take the smile things and try to handle it my way but most of the time I just tried to play the tape in my head and see what the outcome going to be love you and keep up the good work

    2. Me too ladies...When I have those "urgent" matters that God is taking too long(HA) to answer or if I think I need this or to do this thing RIGHT NOW I jump the gun and end up back at square Im learning each day to rely more on God though and trust Him. Alot comes from having to "handle my own" in streets and as a single mom. Thongs ALWAYS go better when O ask God 1st though and trust His yes and or no.

  3. I try to trust God in most matters in my life but sometimes i still make impulsive decisions.

  4. Im guilty of that I try to do it my way all the time but that has not worked out so good but since ive been in GDOM I learning to seek God first and trust him . To me its a learning process and I know for a fact he loves me more than anyone.


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