Day 2 I Made a Sacrifice

John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have
Eternal Life.

In order to have a successful marriage, we have to make sacrifices. It is about give and take which for some of us does not come easy. Be grateful today that God our Father loved us so much that He GAVE His ONLY Son to die and rise again so we can "die" to our old ways and live anew through obedience to His Word!

Have you ever made sacrifices to be with someone you dated? Was it a healthy choice? Why or why not.


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    1. I always make sacrifices. Its never a good choice for me because in the process i learn to like what they like and forget about what i like so by the end i lose me

    2. It is so easy to get ourselves caught up in what others need. Once we begin to take time out for ourselves and embrace our worth as daughters of The Most High, we also begin to learn boundaries and do what works for us!

  2. Yes I have made many sacrifices to be with someone i have dated. Sometimes they were healthy because its not always about having things my way and sometimes it was unhealthy because I compromised my beliefs.

    1. Growing up for me love has always heard it was me sacrificing my love for others I thought that love supposed to hurt so taking into my adult life I sacrifice myself to man I was with the one thing I hated doing giving myself to them just to make them happy but on the flip side of that I was very unhappy but today I know that I'm a precious Jewel of God in that any man that comes into my life have to be on the level of Jesus Christ

  3. I made many unhealthy sacrifices in past relationships. Most were at the expense of myself! Thank you Lord that I never have to "lose myself" to be in a earthly relationship again!


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