Day 14 "World Renowned Chef"

Order "The Covenant Letters" by T.C. Spellen here today
You prepare a table for me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows Psalm 23:5
Imagine being in the middle of a wilderness season and God shows up with Jesus and the Holy Spirit with a celebration feast of you "coming out." What would you do? How would you feel?


  1. To be completely honest i would probably be very uncomfortable for i dont like all the attention on me. However i would feel very honored and over joyed to be in the presence of God and Jesus.

  2. With this reading, God is sharing with us how AMAZING it is when He brings us out of the storms of life we face! How AMAZING it is when we overcome addictions, struggles, hurts and God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are waiting with opened arms to CELEBRATE us "coming out"!!!! It as a FANTASTIC feeling and I tell you, at times I feel unworthy and at other times I am overwhelmed with joy. Knowing I was kept through it all and my Saviour STILL loves me!!!! Thank you Divine Husband and Lover of my soul!! King Jesus!!!And Holy Spirit guiding me in the way to go!!!! Hallelujah!!!


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